"Every child matters
and no child is ever
left behind..."

"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."
Luke 18:15-17


Welcome to the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust Website.

On this site you will be able to learn more about our vision for the Trust and the family of schools which form our Trust.

The Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust is an important part of the Diocesan Vision for education for the Church of England Dioceses of Durham and Newcastle who work with 107 schools and almost 30,000 children. It exists to provide high quality services, challenge and support to the increasing number of schools within both Dioceses who wish to take on academy status.

As CEO it is a privilege to work with and lead so many professionals and volunteers who work in our schools to deliver learning across our schools.

If you would like more information then please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself or one of the team, using the details provided on the site.

Paul Rickeard

Trust CEO